August 16, 2018

Module Website Traffic Analysis

So you know what’s happening on your website or webshop

How many visitors visit my homepage and where do they come from?
How many visitors surf with a smartphone or tablet or are returning visitors?
Will my e-mail marketing campaign attract and find my clients what they are looking for in my webshop?
These and many more questions are answered by our module “Website Traffic Analysis” through active and passive tracking of your customers on your website or webshop.


Independent of Google Analytics

The “Safe Harbor” arrangement between the US and the European Union has already been declared invalid by the ECJ, and the successor regulation “Privacy Shield”, according to experts, does not offer the legal certainty required by European companies. The module “Website Traffic Analysis” either runs directly on your web server or is hosted by us and integrated on your website / webshop. The operation and support is carried out directly by our team from Austria and thus fulfills all legal requirements at national and EU level. Completely independent of Google, Amazon or other US-based cloud platforms!


Key Performance Indicators

You define which key figures you need in your reporting and we are happy to help you with the configuration of the report. The analysis can be done both on the client side and on the server side (evaluation of log files). Track your online marketing campaigns (social media, newsletters, etc.) in detail and get your digital competitive advantage!


Easy integration into your website or mobile app

This module is very easy to integrate into your existing website. Either you already use available, easily configurable plugins or use the API for direct access from your website or app.

No matter which type of connection you choose, we are of course happy to assist you in setting up and also undertake programming activities here!


Detailed Reporting

The Website Traffic Analysis module provides real-time reporting, i. You can view the access statistics for your website (s) online at any time online. Furthermore, you can have a daily evaluation by e-mail sent, of course, as a PDF file. You can tailor the contents of the report individually to the target group.


GDPR compliant

This module has been specifically developed for compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. This means that with the help of this module, you offer your customers a corresponding opt-in tracking, they observe the “Do-not-Track” flag (DNT) and automatically anonymise personal data such as IP addresses. Other DSGVO rights, such as The right to forget is as easy and reliable to implement as personalized tracking, as long as your users allow it. We will gladly assist you in the preparation of the relevant part of your privacy policy!


Based on free Open Source Software

The module “Website Traffic Analysis” is based on the free open source software `Matomo’ and thus offers you complete independence, without having to accept restrictions of any kind. The software can be configured according to your needs and runs either on our highly available servers, directly on your website or on a dedicated server in your data center.

Contact us for a free consultation!